Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our company and our products.

Bioequivalence studies

In a bioequivalence study, the absorption and processing speed of the active ingredient in the body are examined. The bioavailability may vary between generics and the reference drug (e.g., the originator product). Bioequivalence studies test the bioavailability of an active ingredient through pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies to demonstrate the comparability of our products to the originator. Our products are tested and proven to be bioequivalent to the reference drug. The onset of action, plasma concentration, and duration of effect of our products are comparable to those of the reference drugs.


Please only use our complaint form which you will find here.


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Original preparations are medicinal products that are developed and authorised by pharmaceutical companies for the first time. These drugs may contain a new active ingredient or have an innovative dosage form that has not previously been on the market. Original preparations are protected by patents for a certain period of time.

After the patent of an original preparation has expired, manufacturers of generics can bring medicines with the same active ingredient as the original preparation into the market. These drugs are known as generics.
The high research and development costs with the production of original preparations are eliminated in generics, as the research results on the active ingredient, dosage and indication already available from the original preparations can be utilised. These cost advantages lead to significantly lower manufacturing costs and sales prices, thus reducing the financial burden on the healthcare system.

Generics are medicinal products whose active ingredients are identical to those of the original preparations.

There may be differences in the excipients or manufacturing technologies, but this does not affect their efficacy. This is ensured by bioequivalence testing during the authorisation process. This means that high quality and safety standards also apply to generics. Various German and European regulations and authorities ensure that generics manufacturers fulfil the high requirements for production processes, authorisation conditions and quality controls.

Job application

You can find our job vacancies from our headquarter in Germany at

If you would like to apply for a different job, please use our proactive application form here.

Side effects

In the case of a side effect please only use our form for reporting side effects here.

You have further questions? We are glad to help.

1. Stand upright with your feet together and breathe out naturally.

2. Find your natural waistline, which is the narrowest area between your ribcage and hips.

3. Measure your waist:

  • If using a tape measure, wrap it around your waist, keeping it level with the floor.
  • If you don’t have a tape measure, use a string, mark where it meets, and measure that length with a ruler.

4. Take the measurement after a normal exhale, without pulling in or pushing out your stomach.

Denk Pharma

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Note on the product portfolio

Please also note that some of the products shown are only available in selected regions. Please enquire about product availability in your region.